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What is the Virtual Closet?


What does "closet" mean?

Closet is that metaphorical mental place that a person concealing his or her sexual identity is said to be in. The term "be inside of the closet" can also be used to describe anyone who is hiding part of their identity because of social pressure.


What's Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality is an interactive system that allows a user to feel as if they're experiencing a particular experience through the use of special perception-changing tools. In other words, VR is an illusion of reality, one that exists inside a virtual, software-based world.


What about LGBTQ+?

LGBTQ+ is an initialism that means: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning. People often use LGBTQ+ to include all of the “Queer Community” or “Rainbow Community”.

 This is a space to promote empathy around the LGBTQ+ Closet situation in an interactive way.

Either through the Virtual Experience or Training, we offer you the possibility to

“put yourself into someone else's shoes”, or more precisely,"see with the eyes"

of those who literally know this place - all via Virtual Reality (VR).

Understanding the closet, is the first step to start a conversation. 

What can be seen through the VR headset?

By using the Virtual Reality headset, we invite you firstly to reflect on the use of a "mask". Then you will watch a video with some images and sounds based on what people see and voices they hear at the moment they find themselves inside of the closet. And finally you will have the opportunity to empathise with it and share with us what you feel after the being in the closet yourself. 

The Mask

What can you feel when you have to wear a mask?


The video

What can you see when you are inside of the closet? 

The voices

What can you hear when you find yourself in a sensitive situation?

The Empathy

What can you do to leave this place?

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